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Tips on How Parents Can Help Their Children With Separation Anxiety

Tips on How Parents Can Help Their Children With Separation Anxiety:

If your child is starting a new daycare or moving to a new classroom, parents may find leaving their children more difficult than usual. Although not all children have the problem of separation, it is very common for children to get angry when they say goodbye to their families. While this can be very stressful for parents, families should be aware that it is normal to experience separation anxiety. To help their child at this stage of development, families need to understand what causes the separation problem and how to identify the tools that work best for their family.

What is the problem of separation?

Children's separation problems can be caused by many different factors, but at the end of the day, children experience separation problems when separated through their trusted and most comfortable primary caregiver. Kids daycare near me, Families can experience this when they go to work, go to daycare, or sometimes just leave the room. When you try to get out, your baby may get clingy, cry, or get angry.

Separation anxiety can begin in childhood and continue through the preschool years, while some children may never experience it. Children will also experience varying degrees of separation anxiety. For example, some children may experience this when their parents leave them, even if it is just to move to another room in the house, while other children only experience it. There may be times when big life changes happen, like starting a new school. .

How to deal with the problem of separation?

It can be frustrating for parents to see their child upset when you leave, but there are some ways to help reduce your child's separation anxiety.

If you know a major change is coming that could cause separation anxiety in your child, such as starting a new child care center, prepare ahead of time. Daycare school near me, At Educational Playcare, we encourage parents to schedule a visit before their child begins full-time so that they can familiarize themselves with the environment and the teachers before they start. Help your child feel like she is part of a trusted community, one of our core values.

Do a quick goodbye routine. It's as simple as a cute goodbye prayer, tucking your baby in with a book and blanket, or a special handshake when she leaves. Whatever you decide, keep your parting short and sweet. The longer you stay, the more anxious your child will be when it is time to leave.

Be consistent. Once you've established a delivery routine, try to stay on track every day. At first, this may be difficult to do, but eventually your child will wait for you during this time, and consistency will help reduce your child's anxiety.

Keep your promises Some families want to help reduce their children's anxiety by telling them when they will return. If you do, keep the promises you made to them, as this will help build your child's confidence when they separate.

It is important for families to remember that the problem of separation is a common part of young children's development. If you are concerned about separation from your child, speak with your child's pediatrician, who can provide additional help and resources.

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